Small Business AdWords Management
A recent blog article on asked the question; “Has Google AdWords Stopped Working for Small Businesses?”
It is certainly a fair question as many small business owners struggle trying to find success managing their Google AdWords accounts themselves and it prompted me to jump in on the conversation.
Here was what I had to say:
The issue that many small businesses run into with AdWords is in its ease of use to get set up and launch a keyword campaign quickly. Simply enter your credit card, select a few keywords and write a couple of ads. 1-2-3 easy and done. It is in that deceptively easy set up process that many small business owners feel that they can “set it and forget” and let it run on its own. As a result, many business owners end up being extremely dissatisfied and claim that “AdWords didn’t work for me” or “AdWords was a waste of money” when the real issue is that their AdWords campaigns were not managed for success.
It is because AdWords is so easy to “do” that most do not realize the intricacies involved in doing it right, much less, doing it in manner that it generates a positive return on advertising spend and is revenue generating.
Cutting your own hair is easy. But if you want to look good, you hire a professional to do it for you. AdWords is no different. If you want the best results, go with an agency that is a Certified Google Partner, you will be glad you did. Certified Google Partners are agencies that have been vetted by Google to show proficiency in managing AdWords campaigns. Simply put, they have the experience and know how to do it right. Many of them work with small business and they are not nearly as expensive as you might think. My agency is one of them.
Effective AdWords management takes time and that is something that most small business owners simply do not have. It also takes a level of experience and proficiency that, like-wise, many small business owners do not have the time to obtain.
If you are a small business owner and if Google AdWords has stopped working for your business, give me a call today and let me turn your AdWords account around to be revenue generating instead of a money pit. You will be glad you did.